Governing Board Approves Salary Increase


On January 4, 2023, AAJP School Governing Board approved a teacher salary schedule for the 2023-24 school year placing Athlos as one of the highest-paying schools for teachers in Louisiana.

Athlos Academy of Jefferson Parish is dedicated to ensuring high-quality teaching in every classroom. Study after study shows teacher quality is the most significant contributor to student academic achievement. After compiling research for decades, education researcher Dr. Robert Marzano came to a similar conclusion:

“The one factor that surfaced as the single most influential component of an effective school is the individual teachers within that school.”

 With the salary increase, AAJP School Governing Board members demonstrated their commitment to recruiting and retaining only highly qualified, highly effective certified teachers. Our scholars and their families deserve nothing less.  We are relentless in our pursuit to be the premiere K-8 public educational institution in the state. This vision is obtainable with the first-class, high-achieving faculty.

As professionals, Athlos Academy of Jefferson Parish’s teachers are expected to demonstrate and shall be evaluated upon the following traits, skills, and work functions designated in the following teaching standards:

  • Domain 1: Planning
  • The teacher plans effectively for instruction.


  • Domain 2: Management
  • The teacher maintains an environment conducive to learning;
  • The teacher maximizes the time available for instruction; and
  • The teacher manages learner behavior to provide productive learning opportunities.


  • Domain 3: Instruction
  • The teacher delivers instruction effectively;
  • The teacher presents appropriate content;
  • The teacher provides opportunities for student involvement in the learning process; and
  • The teacher demonstrates the ability to assess and facilitate student academic growth.


  • Domain 4: Professional Development
  • The experienced teacher plans for professional self-development; and
  • The new teacher plans for professional development.


  • Domain 5: School Improvement
  • The teacher takes an active role in building-level decision-making; and
  • The teacher creates partnerships with parents/guardians and colleagues.

Together we can deliver on the promise to create and maintain a school culture where students and staff are healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged.

2023-24 Teacher Salary Schedule

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