School Closure Extended to April 30, 2020

Alert! Attention! Announcement!

On April 2, 2020, Governor John Bel Edwards announced an extension of Louisiana’s stay-at-home order and school facility closures until April 30.

In response, Athlos Academy of Jefferson Parish has extended its school closure to April 30, 2020.

To assure students are still meeting instructional hours, we will continue to provide online instruction during the closure. Online instruction is being guided through i-Ready and through recorded lessons. Information can be found here.

This is a live document updated with the most recent distance learning information.

The school has reached out to families to determine who needs access to technology. If you need access to technology, and have not yet notified the school, please call the front office or email Maria Davis at

As always, the safety of students is our number one priority.

For questions, please contact the front office at (504) 290-2510.

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