Student Spotlight – Jacob

Image of student Jacob Grade 3

Jacob S, Grade 3

Jacob loves math and loves staying active. Outside of school he is on a travel baseball team as the 1st baseman. He is also on a competitive karate team and has traveled across the United States competing since the age of four. His favorite Performance Character Traits are curiosity, creativity, leadership, courage, initiative, humility, focus, self-control, and optimism. Not only have these traits helped him at Athlos for the last four years but also at home, in the karate dojo, and on the baseball field. Jacob has grown and excelled following the Prepared Mind Pillar because now he knows that to succeed academically he must study hard and take both his homework and school work seriously. By participating in martial arts, and baseball both recreational and travel, he follows the Healthy Body Pillar. Keep being a well-rounded superstar Jacob!

(Fun Fact: Jacob has been awarded multiple championships titles for karate: traditional forms (kata), sparring (kumite), and creative weapons. He was a double state title holder at the age of four years old.)

We will feature Student Spotlights throughout the school year with photos and first names on our website, social media and emails. If you would like to participate, please complete this form and email a photo of your child to

Help us celebrate the reason we are all at Athlos – our Amazing Athlos students!

Thank you for participating, and a special thanks to Jacob and his family.

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