Lilliana H, Grade 2
Lilliana loves her teachers and everything she has learned at Athlos. She loves her friends and learning Spanish. Outside of school, Lilliana loves to dance! Her favorite Performance Character Traits are Grit, Integrity, Courage and Optimism. Lilliana is always moving constantly, dancing around the house and loves to eat healthy food, following the Healthy Body pillar. Keep up the great work Lilliana! We are proud to have you as a member of the Athlos Academy school community!
We will feature Student Spotlights throughout the school year with photos and first names on our website, social media and emails. If you would like to participate, please complete this form and email a photo of your child to
Help us celebrate the reason we are all at Athlos – our Amazing Athlos students!
Thank you for participating, and a special thanks to Lilliana and her family.