Ms. Stevenson 3rd Grade Class

August 6, 2020


Dear Parents and Students,


Welcome to 3rd grade!    My name is Dwana Makeba Stevenson and I will be your child’s ELA and Social Studies Teacher.  Below you will find some important information about how things will work in my classroom.


Classroom Behavior Management:  I will be using Class Dojo for behavior management in my classroom.  Students are awarded for good behavior and penalized for bad behavior.  Login information will be sent via email and/or phone.  You can login online or download the app your smartphone.

Homework:  Homework will be posted on the board daily.  Students are expected to copy their homework assignments in their school issued agenda.  They are required to study their math facts daily.   Written homework will be given four (4) days a week.

Grading:  Grading is comprised of Tests, Quizzes, Classwork, Homework, and some projects.

Test Schedule:  Students will have tests everyday except Monday.  Social Studies is on Tuesday; Math is on Wednesday; Science is on Thursday; and Reading, English, and Spelling is on Friday.   The only time this will change is if a holiday or special circumstances interfere.

Red Folders:  Red folders will go home every Tuesday, unless a holiday falls on that day.   In the red folder, you will find your child’s previous week’s test papers.  Also, homework and conduct will be listed on a parent signature page.  ALL TEST PAPERS MUST BE INITIALED AND RETURNED and SIGN THE TEST FOLDER page by Thursday of each week.

Supplies: TBD

Snacks:  Your child will have a snack time daily.  Please make sure you send them with a healthy snack (grapes, apple slices, orange slices, crackers, etc).  Chinese noodles, pickles, candy, Hot/Spicy chips like Takis and Lunchables are NOT allowed for snack.

Open House:  Thursday, August 12, 2020 from 5:00-7:00 PM

Thank you,

Ms.Dwana Makeba Stevenson

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